My irregular musings on city life, politics, baseball, roller derby, and whatever happens to be getting my goat today.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Smells Like Holiday Spirit

Now that we have more space we can put up Christmas decorations just like real Americans! Trope is looking for a spot to hang an ornament where Little Boy can't eat it or smash it. Remember when he was all fuzzy and cute and new?

Aww. He's so perfect! He would never scratch anyone, or break anything, or torture Fat Man or anything. And it's so cute when he sleeps on your head! Now he runs the house and we just live here.

Never trust the cute ones.


Trope said...

Yeah, that's what I always said about you.

Trope said...

Yeah, and I should mention that "precious" just knocked that pretty Christmas tree over. I say we skin him and hang him like a wreath. Grr.